eCOmpass: A decision support system to find environmentally optimal facility locations

This website provides estimates of CO2 emissions for facility location alternatives.
You may provide existing locations and use the exploit option to compare those to possible locations.
You may also get recommended locations that minimizes CO2 emissions using the explore option.

User manual and IKEA user case

Find manuals and other help documents below:

Geographical area of interest

You may choose to do the location analysis at the national, regional or municipal levels.

If you choose a regional or a municipal analysis, then you have to select which region or municipality you are interested in locating facilities in.

Choose one option

Note: If you select Municipality, type three characters of the Municipality name to see suggestions

Exploiting or exploring facility locations

You choose EXPLOIT if you already have possible locations you want to analyze or EXPLORE if you want the DSS to recommend facility locations for you.

Choose one option